Archives of Aska & friends

Aska performing with her friends

2019 Osaka -Oct. 14

Miho HAZAMA フェニーチェ堺グランドオープン ジャズガラコンサート

2019 Tokyo – Jun. 14

<Bach to Tango !>  6/14 (金)開演19:00   at 野方区民ホール |Duo 北村聡(バンドネオン)& 金子飛鳥(ヴァイオリン) チケット :1800円 | | 予約:なかのZEROチケットセンター 03-3382-9990 (10:00-19:00) |オンライン 6/14(Fri) open 18:30  start19:00   at Nogata Kumin hall Duo Satoshi Kitamura(Bandneon) & Aska Kaneko (violin) Ticket: 1800yen Book: Nakano ZERO ticket center : 03-3382-9990 (10:00-19:00) | On Line  

2019 Tokyo – Jun. 1

日比谷音楽祭(無料) |11:15am−12:00pm  金子飛鳥&林正樹duo+プチセルフ整体ワークショップ (日比谷公園内 第二花壇)

2019 New York – May. 11

at the Cell theater |open 7:30pm,  start 8:00pm (We will go on to the 2nd set at 9:00pm ) “Pheeroan akLaff M.O.P. strings” With  Aska Kaneko( 1st Vn) ,Tomoko Akaboshi,(2nd Vn) , Stephany Griffin (3rd vn) , Matt Consol,(Viola) , Hilliard Greene,(Bass), Scott Robinson (Bass cl, Tenor sax etc),Miho Hazama(Conduct) |Address: 338 W 23rd St  New York, NY […]

2019 Montclair (NJ) – May. 4

Freedom of Sound percussion Fes. “Pheeroan akLaff M.O.P. strings” With Aska Kaneko, Hilliard Greene, Tomoko Akaboshi, Matt Consol, Miho Hazama, Ralph M Jones. Tickets 800-838-3006 Seed artist

2019 Pavia (Italy) – Mar. 21 

Luz Trio (Thur) 21:15 at Pavia Jazz Club | Aska Kaneko: Violin, Voice, Bebo Ferra: Guitar, Carlos “el tero “Buschini: Bass, | | Address: Cucolo Arci via D’ACQUA  Vlale Btingy 83 Pavia

2019 Milano (Italy) – Mar. 20

Luz Trio (Wed) 20:30 at MU74 Studio (Milano Italy) Public · Hosted by MU74 Adress: Via Enrico Noe 2 20133 Milan Italy | Kaneko, Ferra, Buschini

2019 Camorino (Swiss) – Mar. 18

Vn& Bass Duo (Mon) 19:00  at atelier” areapamgearte” | Aska Kaneko (Violin, Voice) Carlos el tero Buschini (Bass, Gr) at atelier “areapamgearte” in Camorino Swiss Ai Casgno 11a-6528 Camorino Tel: 091 857 39 79 e-mail:

2019 Varese (Italy) – Mar. 17

Luz Trio (Sun)21:15 at SPAZIO YAK |Aska Kaneko – violin, voice |Bebo Ferra – guitars |Carlos “El Tero” Buschini – bass book: tel: 3480174188